Approximately 550 days ago, I devised a plan called "100 in 500," which meant I wanted to lose 100 pounds in 500 days.
You see, back then, I was hellbent on going to the London 2012 Olympics. And I had this crazy notion that I could lose 100 pounds by the time I got there.
The plan?
Well, that was the tricky part. What you read above... That WAS the plan. What I didn't realize at the time was that "lose weight" is not a plan, it's a goal. Damn you, hindsight!
By the time I finally got my act together, I was already 61 days in! I lost a whole two months because of fuckarounditis! No matter... I was determined to make it work.
Long (looooong) story short, I'm not at The Olympics and I haven't lost 100 pounds yet. But you know what? I'm soldiering on. I'm not upset or sad, hell, I'm not even feeling the least bit down on myself.
In 439 days, I've lost 68.5 pounds. I've lowered my BMI by 9 points. My asthma flares up less frequently. I no longer eat 7 donuts in one sitting. And no, that last one NOT an exaggeration. I have changed my life in just 439 days.
And the best part is, I'm not done yet!
As for the nutrition update for the 4th week of clean eating, the scale is still being kind. Posted 4 losses in a row! I think it's definitely safe to say that Plateau I put on notice has officially moved out.
I've been so busy with work and foreign visitors that I haven't had time to sit down and work on the August calendar. For the 3rd month of Operation Sweaty Summer, I know I'll need to up the ante again. I have a few ideas so far... I'm thinking I'll focus more on weight and strength training for August.
Thanks for sticking with me this far! We've passed the halfway point!
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