If your response is nothing, that's wrong.
Take, for instance, moving on. You've been stuck in one place for too long and you know it, yet you aren't actively doing anything to change the situation. Your lack of action is, in itself, an action. By doing nothing, you are perpetuating this situation you have been living.
As the wise Billy Bob Thornton once said in the critically acclaimed film Bad Santa, "Wish on one hand, s--- on the other, see which gets full first." Colorful language, sure, but that doesn't make it any less true.
Some poor life decisions caught up to me recently, and while it hurt like hell to be berated with the reality stick, it was a lesson that had to be learned. I take full responsibility, I do. And this is the kind of thing that happens when we ride in the passenger seat of our own lives. It sucks and it's going to take some time to dig my way out of this hole, but the entire experience sparked something within me. If you're only reading to see if I tell you exactly what happened, stop now, because I'm not.
The point is, one bad thing shed light on several other bad habits. And while one is too far gone, I can do something NOW about the others. Look at my behavior this first month of Relentless. I misbehaved and half-assed my "clean" eating this entire month. And when I don't see the scale moving, I have the nerve to get indignant? Silly me.
Another bad habit is work related. And while I've been complaining and, yes, wishing, for things to change, they haven't. So, I'm done waiting.
This is the year I'm supposed to MAKE things happen, yet all I've shown this month is that I'm really great at being passive. That ends now. The rest of this weight isn't going to lose itself. If I'm in control, I need to act like it!
I took my punches this weekend, marked another in the loss column, and cried my eyes out in the shower. I felt all the emotions that came with this loss, and I'm done with the pity party. Like I said, I got myself into this mess, and I'm going to get myself out of it too.
By the way, I will never understand those who call themselves emotional eaters. I haven't been able to stomach much of anything for the past few days. No appetite, no hunger, just numbness, really. Which is a very dangerous emotion, to be honest.
This post isn't meant to bring anyone down. What I want is to remind us all that we HAVE to own the choices we make. Whether it's eating poorly for weeks on end, half-assing a workout, or lying to ourselves (or anyone else) about things that matter. It will catch up to us in the end. A quote that's been on my mind lately is this:
"Don't be upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do."
Let's get to work. There's still time to turn Relentless around and kick this program's ass!
Remember that photoshoot I worked on a couple of weekends ago? Well, here's a sneak. I want to be more like this girl. She's a fighter, strong and confident, and looks pretty bad ass, if I do say so myself ;)
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