Remember taking vocab quizzes in grade school? It was always one of my favorite quizzes because I always aced them. That's not an exaggeration. Not because I'm incredibly smart, but because I was always really good at rote memorization.
I've been taking positive self-talk seriously on this journey because I believe words have power. There are some days where I don't always buy into what I'm selling, but I say it aloud on purpose so I can hear it. The more I hear it, the more it'll start to sink in. "Fake it 'til you make it!"
Even though I just broke into a new decade on the scale, I found myself letting poor vocab slip back into my morning. So I wanted to stop it right now. I've come too far, still have too far to go to let those kinds of negative thoughts hold me back.
The first thing I said when I got off the scale was, "I only lost a pound and a half." I need to cut that out. I was called out once before by a WW friend on using the word "only." It was my one month point on WW, and I was complaining that I'd only lost 14.5lbs in my first month. Here's what she told me, "Get the word "only" out of your vocab - your results are excellent and by diminishing them, you're probably making other bloggers crazy!"
So, when I felt disappointed in my 1.5lb loss this morning, I quickly reminded myself that I only needed 0.5lb to be at "the next 10lbs." I also pointed out that my actual target is, in fact, 1.5lbs lost per week. Which means I'm right on track. I also had to remind myself that I'm coming off 10 days of a diet break. And with 4 days back on track for Project Autumn Leans, 1.5lbs is AWESOME!
Was that a little horn tootin'? You bet your ass it was. I stopped the panic train before it left the station, got all of my emotions in check, and I'm ready to barrel ahead into this week.
Remember, it starts within.
You rock, woman, and don't you EVER forget it.