Sunday, June 24, 2012

Days 22, 23, and 24 Plus A Triple Double

A triple double? Oh yea! 2-a-days 3 days in a row. That's a first for Operation Sweaty Summer!

I may be behind in my posting, but I'm on track as far as my workout calendar is concerned. On to the numbers...

Day 22

Today was a weigh in. Still fluctuation, so I'm back to where I started June, but I'm not stressing. Woke up in a great mood and was feeling really ambitious about two routines. Now, with BodyRock.TV, a lot of their daily workouts consist of two routines. Today was the first time I'd done their routines in order.

Well, I didn't have enough in me to finish the 3rd round of the second routine, but I'm proud of myself for giving it a go!

The first round (a Lisa Marie routine) is on the board, the second (a Sean Light routine) on the paper.

I still suck at push-ups. I can throw a mean punch, but I've got no upper body strength. It's really annoying!!!

Day 23

Moved Thursday's normal walk to the second workout for Saturday. Unfortunately, my walking buddy was under the weather. Even more unfortunately, I decided to wear all black, plus long sleeves, and a heat band to do my routine out in the park where the trail is located.

I was grew up in this damn heat, and I should have known better! I did just under half of the schedule 3 mile walk. I could feel my body overheating. I tend to err on the side of caution, especially when I workout alone. Reaching POPO (Point of Passing Out) and VP (Vomit Point) are not places I want to be again. Drank two bottles of water when I got back to the car, took off the band and one of my shirts.

My modifications for this routine, I tried the pike press up twice and that was just not something I could do. So I did raised push ups instead. Don't have a dip station, so I did triceps dips plus the knees to chest as laid out in the video for an alternate. For the weighted switch lunges, I used my 8lb medicine ball.

Day 24

Just one routine today! The triple double days were 21, 22, and 23. The best thing about today... tomorrow is a rest day!

Today's Hot Wild Ones routine was killer on my legs! My glutes, my quads, and my calves hurt! Did I mention that tomorrow is a rest day?

On the clean and press, the first round I used a 10lb weight, the second round I used a 25lb weight. I used the 25lb weight on both rounds of the squat and press. My biggest modification was the close arm push ups: I did wall push-ups. On the 3-tier push ups, I did the knee modification.

After today's routine, I did one of Lisa Marie's stretching routines. I felt really great today! Lots of sweat, and I can feel the burn! I'm sure I'll be even more sore tomorrow. Good thing it's a rest day!

Is it wrong that I look forward to rest days?! 6 more days to the end of month 1. Let's DO this!

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